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Weekend Stuff {Catch Up Edition}


Now that we've stated the obvious, I'm going to try and condense the past three weekends into one post. Wish me luck.


We went pumpkin picking!!

Andrew hadn't been pumpkin picking in a loooong time, so it was super fun to get to do this with him!

I didn't get to celebrate my birthday the weekend before because I was on a Chorale Tour. Sooo....we had good food for dinner and dessert.

Roasted red pepper butter baked salmon, roasted brussels sprouts, salad, and sweet potatoes.

Peanut butter cake with dark chocolate ganache....just yes.


I got this pancake mix for my birthday and I finally got to prepare it.

The smell of the mix was a little bit like a sour apple lollipop, so I was unsure of how it would taste, but dang. These were delicious! I added a tablespoon of pureed pumpkin and it made them so thick and tasty and fally.

I also got a spiralizer for my bithday and made this beautiful lunch.

Zucchini and sweet potato "noodles" with ground turkey bolognase. Soooooooo good.

Beautiful sunrise on Sunday morning.

Beautiful friend and beautiful coffee on Sunday morning.


This past weekend, the Chorale went to Tennessee to sing at a couple of churches in towns right outside of Knoxville. We stayed with some pretty awesome hosthomes, and the scenery was GORGEOUS.

It was also fun to hang out with friends. Especially this guy. (:

YAY. Now you all are caught up with my weekend life.

My week life, however, has been quite hectice. Midterms just ended and the rest of the semester is only going to continue being hectic. Luckily, most of the hectic things come in waves and then I have downtime in between. :D

Also, views like this make life better.

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