Two Years of Marriage, Full-Time Jobs, and What We are Up To These Days
Hello! It has been about eight months since I have last written anything and it has been a good break. Every time I thought about sharing anything or writing, I felt unmotivated and kinda like I just wanted to live my life without sharing everything with everyone. It has been great, but I recently felt motivated again to share what has happened since January. I love you guys and know some people don't see us every week or really know what is going on with us and this is one of the ways everyone can keep up with what we are doing!
Since my last post, I transitioned from working at a daycare (I only worked there from December-March) to working at the flower farm. I was excited to be back outside and working in creation again! This past spring was colder than other springs in the past, so I wasn't able to wear short sleeves until June! Crazy! It also didn't help that this spring was very wet and rainy so it took a while to get all the flowers into the ground to begin blooming. But when they started blooming it was amazinggggg.

Andrew got a full-time job at the church where he was doing a residency! It was super exciting! We went to our favorite breakfast place to celebrate.

My mom and I had a dual piano recital with our studios! It was (for many of my students) their first recital--it was super fun!

I made arrangements for the reception tables. (:
In June, we made a trip to the west coast for one of Andrew's friend's weddings and there was also his 5 year high school reunion. It was fun to see him with all of his friends (and mine now, too!). They are a great bunch of people. We also got to see some of the Oregon coast! It is beautiful!

We also went to California to visit Andrew's parents, We spent one day on the coast near the Redwoods. beautiful.

On one of our hikes near his parents' house, we saw two bald eagles!

At the end of July, we went up to Michigan for another friend's wedding. Andrew was a groomsman and we both got to sing five songs at the end of the ceremony! While we were there, we stayed at a cottage that belonged to the groom's family. It was so nice of them to let us stay there! Every morning I went out with my coffee and sat by the waters. It was so peaceful.

A coupe days ago we celebrated our two year wedding anniversary! We went to our favorite breakfast place (again), went to the zoo, and then went to Bonefish Grill for dinner. It was such a wonderful day!

This past year of marriage has been so good. Compared to our previous year of marriage, this one was consistent (meaning, no transitions, no moving). We are really looking forward to this next year of marriage and are taking in each moment at a time. We love being married and highly recommend it.
Currently, I have 15 piano students and Andrew has 2 students (voice and guitar). I LOVE teaching and have loved growing my studio. The flowers at the flower farm are finally starting to flourish (I especially love the sunflowers).

Andrew loves his job at the church we attend. He is the associate worship pastor and enjoys creating relationships with others and leading others into worship! Our church is doing 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. During this time our church has a prayer service Monday-Friday at 6am and on Saturdays at 9am. We, of course, still gather on Sunday mornings for worship too. Andrew has to be there at 4:30am every morning (except on the weekend) for the next couple weeks and man...he is a trooper. So proud of him!
Potus is still doing well, too. He enjoys snuggles, playing with my Eos, and meowing when he thinks his food bowl is empty (but it's not).

Hopefully I don't wait another 8 months to write again, but if I do, don't hesitate to contact me and see what's up with us. (: