Goals for 2018--->2019
Happy 2019! I'm always a little sad and a little excited with a new year starts. Sad because Christmas is over, but excited for a new year of more memories and experiences!
For the past couple of years, I have done a highlight of the previous year (coming soon) and a post about my goals for the new year (the one you're reading now).
One thing I love is being able to look back on my goals from the previous year to see how I've done in terms of accomplishing them. In previous years I used to beat myself up (not literally) for not accomplishing my goals. I would take it so personally and wonder why I couldn't be more disciplined. Now, I view goals less seriously. There will be things that I accomplish and things that I don't. Whether I accomplish them or not, I am still loved and valued.
So...with all that being said, here were my goals from 2018.
Get together with friends at least twice a month
Meet up with a new acquaintance (or old friend!) once a month
One date night a week with Andrew <3
Andrew and I definitely had friends over a lot. More so once school finished, but we were more intentional about inviting others into our space. It has been so encouraging to be with others. We even started a game night that we have once a week! We have an average of 10 people there each time!
I do meet up with friends more than I have in the past. Mainly my local friends.
Andrew and I don't necessarily go out for a date every week, but we make intentional time to spend together in the evenings.

Have at least five piano students by the end of the year
Find a full-time job (outside of teaching piano)
I already have 11 students, so that's awesome.
I have already found two other part-time jobs outside of teaching lessons. Both have been great. Here are some photos from one of my jobs--the one at the flower farm. So fun!

Read 20 books
Take more walking/reading/breathing breaks instead of getting on social media
Pay off a fourth of my student debt
Blog once a week while in school, two-three times a week once I'm done
I actually think I made that goal! I read the Series of Unfortunate Events series and some other books, so I think I was at least close!
I definitely finished college thank the Lord.
I have been walking quite a bit. I really grounds me more than almost anything else.
I think we are really close to accomplishing this one! :D
Haha that did not happen. Whoops.

Run a 5k
Do one unassisted pull up
Incorporate more dynamic movements in my workouts
Practice TKD once a week
Stretch at least five times a week
I didn't run a 5k, but I walked one.
I'm almost there! I can do pull ups if a jump a little bit before.
I've definitely done more dynamic movements when I've worked out, mainly when I do bodyweight movements.
TKD has (sadly) gone to the wayside in this season.
I haven't stretched regularly in the past couple weeks, but I was pretty steady before then!

Word for the year: BE
Gosh. I loved this word. And, to be honest, didn't understand really what it meant until just last week. This was the year that I learned more about how God has worked in my life to allow me to BE certain things--safe, loved, saved, valued, worthy, certain, courageous, bold, grounded, satisfied...so many things.
I also learned my Enneagram number this year, and I know not everyone is into it so I won't geek out, but for me is has helped me understand my personality and my tendencies more than any other personality test. Andrew and I both had counseling sessions with a pastor at our church who is a trained Enneagram coach, and I loved how he integrated the Enneagram with the Word of God. It was so enlightening, rejuvenating, and refreshing.

And now for my goals for 2019.
Continue to practice generosity with my time, space, energy--invite others into my life
Have lots of people over for dinner
Reserve energy and time for Andrew
Have 15-18 piano students
No social media before breakfast
Read 20 books
Do things that satisfy--walk, read, sit in silence, pray, etc
Move in ways that feel good
Do one unassisted pull up (THIS WILL BE THE YEAR)
Do TKD and play volleyball more
Not many goals, but I just want to keep things simple this year. I don't want to overload my mind with priorities or goals that aren't beneficial.
Word for the year: Restoration
What are your goals for the year?
Do you have a word of the year? What is it?