Adult Life: How do I adult the right way?
It's a little weird that just six months ago, Andrew and I stepped into "adult" life. No one prepares you for the step from "student" to "adult". One second you're stressed about a 10 page paper and the next you're stressed about finding jobs, making enough to pay the bills, and keeping your apartment/house looking like it's from an HGTV magazine. But, let's be real--almost no one straight out of college can do all three successfully (unless Joanna Gaines is your mom).
Every time I've talked to another person since graduating college, they usually ask what I am doing now. They ask what Andrew is doing. The usual questions one would expect. I tell them I'm teaching piano (11 students!) and working at a flower farm and Andrew is doing a residency at a local church and doing DoorDash on the side...oh, and he has several voice/guitar students too!
By all means, I'd say we're doing great. Financially, emotionally, physically...all is well.
But then you begin to question everything.
Are we making enough? Will we be able to afford this or that? Kids??? HOW DO WE AFFORD THOSE? Insurance...which one? Year leases? Where next? Out of country? In country? etc etc
You get the point.
I'm sure if you've been adulting longer than I have, you understand my sentiment.
After speaking to some adults, I've found you may never stop questioning what you do. You Google things daily. You question your purpose, drive, motivations. You make mistakes. You forget things. You go out to eat multiple days a week because you just can't handle making another meal. You lose your patience. You don't make time for things that are important to you. You feel shame, guilt, anger. You lock your keys in the car. You spill coffee on your new shirt. You get anxious and worried. You make hard decisions.
Maybe the adult life isn't much different than being a student.
I realize I have to give myself and others grace. We're all still trying to figure out how to adult the right way. We all are striving for something that is impossible. A life where we all know our passions and desires perfectly. We have our dream job with a perfect salary, home, family, dog in the yard--it's magical, really.
But we humans have emotions. We have experiences we hold for a lifetime that alter our perceptions of life--good and bad ones. Because of that, I don't think every single person will have an adult life that lives up to the American standard. Not every person will dream of being a doctor or a teacher. Not everyone will be able to make a six digit salary or have children. Not everyone will choose to live in America forever. Not everyone will have the choice to grow old and live out retirement with their loved ones.
So...yeah...those are my thoughts recently. A little deep, but that's my jam.
Now, on to a quick recap of the last three months or so.
We celebrated my 23rd birthday.

Out with friends. So grateful.

Andrew surprised me by taking me to a cat cafe in Indy! It was so fun!

My absolutely favorite birthday cake: peanut butter cake with dark chocolate ganache.
I got to see Ben Rector in concert for the third time!

We stood out in pouring rain for a solid ten minutes, so we were soaked for the whole concert.
Had my hand at making bouquets for the flower farm.

Spent time on the West Coast with friends and family.

Celebrated Halloween. This was Katie and my pumpkin. (:

Did a 5k walk in southern Illinois on Thanksgiving.

Ate some pretty amazing food. I'm looking at you corn casserole and sweet potatoes.

Spent time with friends in Cincinnati and got this visit this man made castle! It took the guy over 50 years to construct it. Wow.

We have been loving on this kitty. He is the sweetest. <3

We are ready for Christmas! We decorated our tree on Sunday and are loving the warm glow it gives our apartment. <3