Weekend Stuff {11/6-11/8}
I was sooooo thankful for this past weekend. I'm going to be honest, last week was rough. I had four tests and a paper due, and it felt like I didn't have time for anything but to study, sleep, and eat. BUT, THANK GOD FOR WEEKENDS AND THANK GOD FOR FRIENDS.
My weekend started on Friday with a dinner out with the bestest guy out there.

We went to a local Thai restaurant and I had curry for the first time! It was still super spicy even though I got it mild...goes to show how much of a wimp my tastebuds are. :p
Later Friday night, my roommates and I started watching Fiddler on the Roof. Every time I watch it, I am reminded of lazy Sunday afternoons when my dad and I would watch musicals together. We would watch them straight through and as I got older, I learned to apprecaite musicals more. That being said, I am so glad he introduced me to the amazingness that is Fiddler on the Roof!! One of my roommates had not seen it before (I KNOW) and it was really fun to watch and listen to her reactions.
Saturday was spent practicing, doing homework, and doing a photoshoot with my roommates. (: Pictures will be posted soon. That night, finished watching Fiddler on the Roof (we had only finished half of it the night before.
Sunday, I went to church and then got to spend part of my afternoon with Becky! I got to show her around campus and spend time talking and catching up. It was SO, SO needed. Love you, Becky!
Here are some other pictures from this past week...

Beautiful sunset on campus

Beautiful flowers from Andrew. (: