Weekend Stuff {11/21-11/22}
FINALLY ON THANKSGIVING BREAK!!!! Guys....I may be more excited to eat cold turkey sandwiches the day after thanksgiving than I am to eat hot turkey on Thanksgiving day. Anyone else? Just me. Ok.
This past weekend, I went home. Now, before you judge and ask, "Why in the world would you go home literally two days before Thanksgiving Break?" I want to explain.
1. To see Mockingjay part 2 with my family
2. To see Mockingjay part 2 with my family
So as you can see, my reasoning is very valid. (:
When Glenn and I got home on Friday, we had this wonderful dinner. :D

White chicken chili. I added sweet potato to mine because..well...I can. Also, I also happen to not like a lot of liquid because I really just like the substantial part of soup/stew/chili...I'm weird.
The viewing of Mockingjay part 2 that we were going to see didn't start until 9:55PM (I KNOW...SO LATE), but we wanted good seats, so Glenn, Katie and I went a hour earlier to save seats for us. My whole family (except my dad) went, and it was so much fun!

Saturday morning, I got up and made pancakes.

Ahh...pancakes. <3
P.S. Check out my pj pants...they have sock monkeys on them. :D
While I chilled on the couch all day, I got to watch the snow.

It was literally the PERFECT snow. Seriously...perfect. If it snowed like this on Christmas I would not be mad....actually, if it didn't snow like this on Christmas I'd be mad. I'm very particular about snow.
I worked on homework and practiced piano for a while in the afternoon, and then helped my mom make dinner.

Rice blend, pan fried chicken, and green beans. I put it all in a bowl because eating out of bowls is funner than eating off of a plate.
Sunday morning, I was up early enough to see this.

When people ask how I can get up to so early, I should show them this picture. This is literally the best part about waking up in the morning.

Well...besides eating pancakes. (:
The rest of my day was spent at church and then doing homework and practicing piano in the afternoon. I made my regular breakfast for dinner.

I topped my eggs with my dad's zucchini salsa...perfection.
Now...on to Thanksgiving break! Andrew is spending Thanksgiving with us, which will be so much fun!
How are you all spending Thanksgiving?