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2016 Goals

As I sit back and reflect on this past year, I can’t help but be amazed at all I have accomplished and experienced! I know I say that every year, but really…it is true every year. And even better than the accomplishments and experiences I’ve had, I’ve also experienced a lot of growth. I know a lot of people always talk about how much they’ve changed from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, but the more I have thought about it, I have realized growth would be a more accurate word to describe the difference one sees in someone. You live, you learn, and you get to decide whether you will move forward and grow, or if you will move backward and deteriorate.

Random sunset from last's just too pretty not to share again.

Woah. That got deep. Congratulations, you just got a front row seat to a preview of the thoughts of Anna!

I’m sure all of you had had a chance to think about all you have experienced this year—the good and the bad. In this past year, I began a new relationship, sang in Carnegie Hall, finished my first year of college, began a new job at Chick-Fil-A, and started my own business. As some of you may know, at the beginning of each year I ask God to give me a word to help dictate my year. I have done this for the past two years, and it has really challenged me spiritually, mentally, and physically. Last year, the word I was given was “follow”. Following isn’t necessarily a hard thing for me to do, but when I have to follow when I have no idea what the outcome will be I become fearful. I realized this about myself this past year—I tend to doubt that which I can not control. It’s funny, really. After a year of dedicating myself to this word, I only seemed to scratch the surface of fully understanding how to really follow. I suppose it’s a lifelong learning process and I’ll have to take it one day at a time—and that’s alright.

As I leave 2015 behind and look ahead to 2016, instead of doing resolutions I created goals to accomplish (I was also given a word, and I’ll write more about that later). I categorized my goals (wow, so type A of me) to make it easier to see the different aspects of my life that I care about. I thought it would be nice to share my goals with you all for accountability purposes, as well as a type of encouragement to all of you that have goals that you want to accomplish this year! Here we go….


1. Encourage more

I have come to realize I think encouraging words more than I say them and I do not like this. This year, I commit to saying these encouraging words out loud.

2. Say, “I love you” more

If I’m honest with myself, I tend to take people for granted. I assume they’ll always be there, when really, life is so short and too valuable for me NOT to say, “I love you” every moment I get.

3. Give more hugs

I mean…hugs are the best, so why not?

4. Dedicate more time to prayer

Even though I do my devotions every morning and spend time with God, I do not dedicate as much time to prayer and conversations with God as I would like, which is why I want to make more time for this area of my relationship with God.


1. Do one dead hang pull up

If anyone has any suggestions on how to do this successfully, I would appreciate the help.

2. Run a 5k

I quit running long distances a while ago and have lost my stamina. I finally feel like I’m at a place in my life where I can healthfully begin running again, and I’m excited to be able to train for a 5k again.

3. Do the splitz

I feel like this is pretty attainable as I am already fairly flexible…YAY.

4. Do fifty full pushups

Pushups are my fitness weakness…they are so hard. Why are they so hard???

5. #135 deadlift

Since I started weight lifting last year, I thought it would be cool to actually work towards a harder weight this year.

6. #135 squat

Why not?

7. Stretch every day

This will help not only with being able to do the splitz, but it will also help me relax.


  1. Get on the Dean’s List both Spring and Fall Semester

  2. Keep a 3.8 or higher GPA

So far, I have been able to do accomplish this and it would be awesome if I could continue it this year!


1. Make exercise a priority (Plan workouts on Sunday)

Not going to lie, this past semester I let workouts drift to the back burner. I lost motivation and was super tired a lot, but…that’s how it goes sometimes. I have realized that working out motivates me and relieves stress so I have no I have no idea why I skip my workouts so often.

2. Practice piano at least two hours a day

I actually did accomplish this last semester, but I would ideally like I get up to about three or four hours a day, but for now I’ll stick with getting at least 2.

3. Work on piano technique at least three times a week

Ah….piano technique…the one area of piano I dread working on…but it must be done.

4. Practice TKD twice a week

Since I do not regularly attend a TKD school during the school year, I really need to crack down and practice more often than I do. I mean…I definitely want my third degree black belt before I turn thirty.

5. Read fifty books (school related books do not count)

This should be a fun one to accomplish. Any book recommendations?

6. Make time to blog

I would really like to blog more about topics that I am passionate about (health, fitness, music, faith)…I just need to make time for it.

7. Be more open

This year, the word I feel God has given me to work on is being more open. A part of me is a little terrified and the other part of me is super excited to work on this aspect of my personality. I am very cautious when it comes to sharing my thoughts and opinions because I am afraid of how others will perceive them. But, I’ve come to realize being so cautious isn’t beneficial when cultivating and strengthening relationships. Instead, this cautiousness builds an impenetrable wall that blocks any type of growth to occur. I realize this about myself and it’s scary. It’s scary because I will have to force myself to break down this wall and be more willing to share. At the same time, though, it’s exciting. It’s exciting because it’s new and different. It’s exciting because I know God will use this weakness of mine to strengthen not only myself, but others as well.

What are your goals for this year?

How are you going to accomplish them?

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