Weekend Stuff(s)
I added the 's' because there have been many "weekend stuffs" as of the past two months that I haven't posted about. If you're my friend on Facebook, you've seen my many pictures and hopefully that has kept you up-to-date on my life (kind of). If you are not friends with me on Facebook, here's a quick summary of the past two months...
During IWU's Spring Break, the Chorale went to Florida. While we were there we had a few days off and one of the days some of us decided to go to Disney!

I had only ever been to Disney in the winter, so getting to see all of the beautiful colors of Spring was absolutely spectacular!

I met Belle. <3

One night, several of us got together and found an Indian restaurant near our hotel. This was my first time trying Indian food and it was amazing!

When we weren't singing, we also hung out at beaches and got to eat a lot of neat local restaurants. Our waiter totally photobombed us. He was cool.

The week after we got back, the Chorale got to be a part of the Marion Easter Pageant. We were angels if you can't tell. So angelic.

But not really.

Over Easter Break I had pancakes every morning, and it was glorious.

We most definitely did not get bored at all. Nope. Not us.

Andrew and I decorate this tart that my mom made for Easter dessert. I'd say it looks pretty professional!

For Easter dinner, we had ham, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, rolls, and steamed asparagus. Obviously I had a sweet potato instead of mashed potatoes.

I got three of these beauties from this really awesome guy. <3 He makes my heart melt.

Went out to eat at a local Thai restaurant with the girls I am rooming with next year! It's going to be so awesome! All of them are beauties inside and out and wonderful people. So, so excited!

The two piano professors at IWU performed a duo recital. It was an extra special recital because the professor on the left, Dr. Rickey, is retiring after this semester. I will miss her so much! She is such a wonderful lady and so full of Christ and His love.

Katie spent the night at IWU and so we went to a local coffee shop to get "fancy" coffee. (:

This past Friday was SO STINKING BEAUTIFUL so Rachel and I went outside and did some homework before dinner. It was lovely. We also went on a long walk and it was just what I needed.
And, of course, the one weekend I was determined to get a lot of work done it was so stinking beautiful outside and all I wanted to do was walk around and enjoy the weather.
So I did.
But, don't worry, I also did work.
A little.
On Saturday, I went to lunch with Andrew, went to a piano recital, practiced, then went on a walk with Andrew before dinner. After dinner, Rachel and I did homework outside, went on a walk, and then watched a movie before bed. Bonus: The movie was for a homework assignment. COLLEGE WIN.
Sunday morning, Andrew surprised me with these beauties before we went to church.

Just because. <3

Open windows and beautiful flowers sure do make life pretty great.
I also wanted to thank all of you for your support and encouragement after I posted my last blog post! I love you all!
What have you all been up to lately?