Weekend Stuff {7/23-7/24}
Weekend Stuff is back! I don't even remember the last time I wrote a Weekend Stuff post...probably not since last April. Since then, my life has sort of felt like one huge weekend and (most of the time) I forget to take pictures of what's going on around me. Truthfully, it's been kind of nice not to have to worry about taking a picture of literally everything that happens to me. I have really enjoyed living in the moment and holding on to those "snap shots" of life, and even if I don't have a physical copy of those snap shots, they are still meaningful. Unfortunately for all of you, that means you don't get to experience those snap shots, which is a little bit sad; however, I trust you all to make your own mental snap shots and cherish them without sharing them on social media...it's pretty great.
Now to the weekend stuff.
I woke up on Saturday morning and immediately made some pancakes.

This is a recycled photo, but I hardly ever differ from my usual toppings: maple almond butter, bananas, strawberries, and cinnamon.
I went to church around 9:30am for worship band practice and it was so fun! We had a really awesome team this past week and it was my first time playing keys at my church. I was a little bit nervous, but after the first song I was super relaxed and enjoyed the practice.
After practice, I went straight to work. I gobbled down some green grapes before heading in because I was hungry and didn't know when I would have my break.
Unfortunately, I lost my voice last week and when I talked it sounded like I was in the brink of tears...with that being said, Chick-Fil-A was super kind and gave me jobs that didn't require much talking (dining room, putting food into bags, restocking), which was soooo nice.
This past Saturday I worked in drive thru stuffing bags of food with napkins, silverware, condiments, and straws. The drive thru at the Chick-Fil-A I work at is incredibly busy, and even more so on Saturday. We were busy, busy, busy from around 11:30am until 2:30pm, and that's not unusual.
I got off of work at 4:30pm and stopped by Kroger to pick up a couple cans of diced tomatoes for my mom. When I got home, there was a whole spaghetti squash roasted, there were turkey meatballs in the oven, and my mom was just finishing up a tomato sauce and about to put some asparagus in the oven to roast.

Spaghetti squash on the bottom topped with turkey meatballs, tomato sauce, and asparagus. I had mine in a bowl because everything is better in a bowl.
The rest of the evening was spent relaxing and doing a quick bodyweight workout before getting ready for bed.
Sunday morning, I got up at 5am and ate apple oatmeal in the dark before getting ready for church. I had a wonderful time playing keys with the rest of the worship band--it was so fun!
My mom and I picked up a rotisserie chicken from Marsh for lunch. I had chicken breast with a sweet potato, mixed greens, avocado, salsa, and mustard. I also had some green grapes on the side. :) Didn't take a picture because I was super hungry.
I literally sat on the couch all afternoon and caught up on reading my favorite bloggers' posts (literally one of my favorite ways to relax).
It was my brother, Glenn's, birthday, so for dinner my dad picked him up a pizza from Monical's. My other two siblings were gone at a pool party, so we couldn't celebrate his birthday in the normal Johnson Family way (nice birthday dinner, presents, and dessert...which we did celebrate this evening, by the way). Glenn and I went on a nice walk before my mom and I watched the new episode of The Next Food Network Star (I'm completely in love with the Food Network and I'm not ashamed of it).
To end this post, here are a couple cute pictures of rabbits I took this past week at a 4H Fair.

Do you watch The Food Network Star?
What did you do this weekend?