Life is Busy, Life is Good
For the first time in almost two months, I finally have the time to sit down and blog, and man...I love it. I am on my Fall Break and I am ready for a resting of the mind and body (i.e. eating pancakes and watching Spongebob).
When I look back on the past six weeks of the semester, I realize they have been so incredibly busy. To put it all simply, it is that point in the semester where all I want to do is listen to Christmas music and sip hot chocolate in front of a lighted Christmas tree.
In the midst of all of the stress of exams, going to class, practicing, and doing homework, there has been so much goodness.
I see goodness when I spend time with Andrew. I'm going to brag for a second, if I may.
He is so good.
He supports my love for breakfast foods.

PC: Becka Roth
He loves deeply.

He is creative. I mean, look at the paper chain we made to count down the days to our wedding. :D
He gets excited about the little things.
And the big things (like getting married).

He makes me feel secure and safe. He protects my heart. He makes me laugh.
There is literally no one else I would rather have by my side, and I can not say how grateful I am that we go to the same college.

I find goodness in that fact I have access to a kitchen. Praise God from whom all blessings flow...

I found goodness in the little moments with my family--like getting Thai food with my dad.

I found goodness in the birthday cake my mom made me for my birthday.

I found goodness in the sweetness of friendship--seriously, my roommates are so special!

I found goodness in pumpkin picking with my family.

I found goodness in music--specifically Relient K and Switchfoot. SUCH A GOOD CONCERT OH MY WORD.

I found goodness in the sunrises I get to see each morning.
On my run this afternoon, the song "Great is Thy Faithfulness" sprung into my head, and I am sure it did not appear in there on accident. As I thought about the lyrics of the song, I began to realize His faithfulness and goodness is not dependent on how I feel, how stressed I am, or how busy I am--it's constant. Crazy, right?

So, yes, life is busy.
But life is so, so good.
How have you seen the goodness in life, recently?