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Goals for 2016-->Goals for 2017

Happy New Year and happy 2017! As we head into the new year, I am sure many of you are thinking of resolutions/goals you would like to achieve this year..I mean, I am!

I looked at my goals I had written at the beginning of 2016 to see how I did. *SPOILER: I didn't complete all of my goals and I'm ok with it.


Do one dead hang pull up

Run a 5k

Do the splitz

Do fifty full pushups

#135 deadlift

#135 squat

Stretch every day

The only one I could say I semi-accomplished was stretching every day. My handy-dandy foam roller was my bff and helped relax my muscles after a long day of school.

I did, however, get WAY better at doing pushups and I give all of the credit to focusing on the benchpress instead of the squat rack this year. I got up to a max of 85 pounds bench press and I feel awesome!


Encourage more

Say, “I love you” more

Give more hugs

Dedicate more time to prayer

Even though I didn't accomplish much on the fitness aspect of my goals, I definitely feel as if I was able to accomplish all of my relationship goals this year. And no, I'm not saying I'm perfect and always remember to encourage instead of criticize, or to give hugs, or say "I love you", or even that I pray every single day. BUT, I did see a lot of growth in myself in all four of these areas.


Get on the Dean’s List both Spring and Fall Semester

Keep a 3.8 or higher GPA

Very pleased I was able to accomplish both of these goals!


Make exercise a priority (Plan workouts on Sunday)

Practice piano at least two hours a day

Work on piano technique at least three times a week

Practice TKD twice a week

Read fifty books (school related books do not count)

Make time to blog

Be more open

I did manage to make exercise a priority, but I didn't stress out if I couldn't make it happen four or five days a week. This year, I learned that I love to exercise because I think it's fun and it definitely should not be a stressor--YAY.

I actually made a new goal to practice at least three hours every day at the beginning of the Fall semester and was able to be very consistent. Of course, there were days I couldn't make it to the practice room or couldn't fit in three hours, but when I could, I made it happen and it was so good.

I definitely did not practice piano technique three times a week...whoops.

Unfortunately, TKD took a backseat this past year and I have not kept up with it at all. Ugh.

HAHAHA. Definitely did not read 50 books...BUT I did read several books this year that were outstanding (Daring Greatly by Brené Brown, Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, Chronicles of Narnia series to name just a few).

I did blog, but very inconsistently and did not necessarily make it a priority. I'm finding it very difficult to make it a priority while I'm in school. Poo.

I definitely succeeded in being more open. I allowed myself to share more, learn more, and listen more and it definitely made a huge difference in my perception of others.

I'm not going to lie and say I didn't feel a bit disappointed that I wasn't able to accomplish all of my goals. I started spiraling into thoughts that maybe I was stupid to think I could do those things or maybe if I had just tried a little harder I would have been able to succeed.

Then I stopped myself because those thoughts are silly and meaningless. Am I stupid for wanting to accomplish big things (well..for me anyway). Heck no. Did I have the time to go around stressing myself over doing the splitz or reading fifty books. No, I didn't. And with the time I might have had, I spent it doing other things I don't regret whatsoever.

So, with that being said. A lot of my goals for 2017 are very similar to the goals I had for 2016, but with some modifications.


Write a note of encouragement to someone each week

Give A LOT more hugs

Seek to understand before judging

Call grandma and grandpa at least once a month

Call family once a week

Devote time each day to pray


Get on the Dean’s List both semesters

Keep a 3.8 or higher GPA


Practice piano at least three hours every day

Do one challenging piano piece each semester

Read at least ten books (outside of textbooks) a semester

Find a direction for my blog

Start journaling


Stretch every day

Lift two to three times a week

Run a 5k

Practice TKD once a week

Do one dead hang pull up

Do the splitz

Chest press over #100

Deadlift #135

There they are in all of their glory.

What are your goals for 2017?

Do you do goals or resolutions?

Also, if anyone has any good book suggestions I would be super grateful for them! (:

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