Life Update
Hello lovely people. (:
As you may have noticed, I have been pretty quiet on the blog these past three months, and it's not because I don't love you all (because I really do love you...especially because you're reading my blog!) but because this semester has been busier than expected. Now that the semester is winding down a bit, I felt like it was about time to update you on what has been going on in my life since January!
I got my haircut.

Andrew and I celebrated 2 years of dating each other, which was a blast!

We bought each other new outfits and went to an Asian cafe for dinner.
Andrew bought a car, so now we're not stranded on campus. :D
Andrew and I signed the lease to our first apartment on campus. CRAZY. BUT CRAZY AWESOME.
Andrew and I started pre-marital counseling--which I loved!
Celebrated Valentine's Day with my family, which is always so special!

The Chorale went out several weekends, which was also super fun!
I got sick the last week of February with a really bad cold and my sinuses were super bad. Maybe this is TMI, but the sinusy gunk was literally coming out of my was NOT fun.
The Chorale went to Florida for Spring Break. We had roughly 15 concerts in 10 days, but it was so, so, so fun! We got to sing at a lot of really neat places and spend time with cool people, too.
In my Creative Writing class, we got to write poetry and we had a couple days where we went to a coffee shop near campus and read our poetry to each other. I loved it!
The Chorale went to Tennessee for a weekend and we got to see how lovely Tennessee is this time of year!
The Indiana Wesleyan theater guild put on the musical, 'Into the Woods' this weekend and my family got to come up and see it with me! It was great getting to sit around a dinner table with them all again after not being home for several weeks. The performance was also VERY good. There are so many wonderfully talented people here.
So, that's basically been my life these past three months (for your sake I didn't add in all of the time I did homework and studied and practiced...that would have been boring).
I'm really looking forward to the rest of this semester and having more time to blog about some other topics that have been on my mind recently! I love you all!