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Recap of Junior Year

Guys. I'm a senior. WHAT JUST HAPPENED?? I seriously keep forgetting I've been at college for three just doesn't seem possible.

As I think back on this year, I'm filled with so much joy--it was such a good year. I mean, not like the other two years were bad, but this year was different, and I attribute it largely to the fact that I have amazing friends and people in my life who are great supporters and encouragers. YAY FOR AMAZING PEOPLE.

Here are some highlights from my Junior year at IWU.

Having a kitchen!

Making an amazing countdown-to-our-wedding chain.

Seeing movies with this guy.

Eating Thai food...a lot.

Celebrating my birthday with ice cream!

So many concerts!

Andrew and I took Communication class together!

Time spent with family. <3

Lots of time spent outside...seriously the best.

Working out with this amazing girl! We have been working on our pull-ups and chest press skills.

Celebrating two amazing years with this guy!

Rooming with these lovely ladies. <3

Now....onto the questions.

What is music?

Music is the thing I strive to create each and every time I sing and play the piano. It brings me so much joy!

What was the most challenging part of your junior year?

The most challenging part of junior year was finding time to hang out with my girl friends AND finding time to hang out with Andrew. Balance is hard.

Did you learn anything new about yourself over this year?

I learned this year that I do not like being alone. I am still most definitely an introvert, but I found I get more lonely when I am by myself than I did two years ago. It’s kinda weird, but a good weird.

What has been your go-to meal this past year?

For breakfast, my go-to is still oatmeal with apple, chia seeds, cinnamon (lots of it), and almond butter.

For lunch, it’s one or two veggies (usually cooked), raw spinach (it wilts a little bit when you put it together with the warm food), a protein (chicken, usually), and a piece of fruit (orange, pear, or apple).

For dinner, one or two veggies (again, cooked), raw spinach, a protein (lately, I’ve been trying to eat less meat, so if I had meat for lunch, I’ll eat beans), and a sweet potato.

This year, I’ve been craving warm veggies over cold veggies, which is a difference from the past two years, and it’s been SO much better on my digestive system.

What do you think your greatest challenge will be while being married and finishing college?

I honestly think the hardest thing will be balancing my homework time with time spent with Andrew. I mean, that was difficult this past year and I don’t really anticipate that that will change. Next year, I’m taking 16 credits both semesters, doing my senior recital in the fall, and my senior project in the spring, so I know I will be very busy. I really, really, really want to protect my time spent with Andrew and I know that will be a challenge when I have so many other responsibilities on my mind.

Who's your favorite sibling?

Hahaha, I honestly don’t have a favorite. Sorry.

What do you think is the biggest thing God taught you since you have been at IWU?

God has really taught me that people are so, so, so important and meant to be loved and cherished and valued. Ultimately, my friendships will last longer than my college classes/grades and God has shown me how important it is to invest and love others because they are SO much more important than getting a good grade on an exam or whatever else it is. There are so many times this past year I could have studied an extra hour or two, but I would have had to say no to spending time with an awesome person, and I have realized I never, ever regret spending time with someone.

What was your favorite and least favorite class that you took this year?

My favorite class I took this year was Creative Writing—SO AWESOME. And to be honest, I didn’t have a least favorite class this year…I genuinely loved every class I took, which is so abnormal.

Who is your favorite dad?

Well, my favorite earthly father is obviously Tony Johnson. (: But, my eternal Father is pretty awesome, too.

Alright Summer break...I'm ready for you!

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