Weekend Stuff {6/10-6/11}
Heyo, Weekend Stuff is back for the summer! :D After a super long hiatus (almost a whole year), I decided to bring this back because 1.) I actually did something fun this weekend, and 2.) I actually took pictures. WOOHOO.
This past weekend was full of some great and not so great moments. It was great because I got to spend time with my friends Rachel and Julia, both of whom I hadn't seen in over a month. More on that later...
The not so great part of this weekend was the passing of our wonderful cat of 14 years, Tigger.

It's so weird to lose a pet. Unfortunately, I wasn't there when he passed, but I'm so glad the rest of my family was able to make him comfortable before he died.

RIP Tigger (4/12/03-6/10/17)
My weekend officially began on Friday when I got to Rachel's house around 5pm. We swam for a bit before enjoying dinner and then a 6-7 mile walk. It was SO STINKING GOOD to catch up with her and spend time together. We finished out the night by drinking some herbal tea and watching a documentary--we're meant to be best friends.
On Saturday, we woke up and had a super slow breakfast paired with coffee. I had two fried eggs and two pieces of toast with almond butter topped with strawberries. Super good and filling.
After breakfast, we worked on a collaboration cover of the song Alleluia by Michael W. Smith. Gah--I love having musical friends. :D
We ate leftovers from dinner for lunch and then headed over to pick up Julia to get tattoos.
Yep. Tattoos. I got a tattoo.
I actually never thought those words would come out of my mouth...or write with my fingers.

About three months ago, Rachel approached me (jokingly) about getting avocado tattoos together. To her surprise (and to my own), I said "Sure! Why not?"
Of course, we thought about it for a couple more months to make sure we really wanted to do this. Personally, I never wanted to get a tattoo for fun and I have always said that if I ever got one, it would have to mean something to me.
In the end, there I several meanings behind this tattoo.
1.) I love my friends and I love creating moments with them.
This isn't one of those things where your mom says, "If all of your friends jumped off a cliff, would you?" No...just...no (mostly because I'm afraid of heights). This is about doing something you'll all look back on and say, "Remember when..." and smile. For me, getting a tattoo was simply a way to create a moment of joy and togetherness.
I'm not telling you all to go get tattoos with your friends--not at all. All I'm saying is that it definitely created a good, fun, and crazy memory--and I love it.

2.) An avocado seemed like the perfect representation of who I have become .
I used to fear food. I was afraid of being fat. I was afraid of eating too much. I became obsessed with my weight and my relationship with food and exercise suffered. When I began to restore my relationship with food and exercise, I turned to whole, nutrient dense food--one of which was avocado. I find it so ironic that the one thing I feared the most for so long (fat) is the main macronutrient found in avocado. And now, it's on my body...permanently. It makes me laugh. I LOVE FAT.
3.) It's cute.

Once our afternoon excursion was finished, the three of us headed back to Rachel's house to make some dinner. We ended up throwing some chicken in a pan with various spices, sautéing green pepper and onions in a separate pan, steaming broccoli, and heating up leftover rice with added beans, tomatoes, and sour cream. Overall, it was a super satisfying dinner and it was DELICIOUS.

And then we had some dessert.

Rachel scooped the ice cream, I cut the strawberries, and Julia made it all pretty.
We ended our night on Saturday by looking at poorly designed (and placed) tattoos to make ourselves feel better about our own.
On Sunday, I got up and had a repeat breakfast--super satisfying--and then went to church with Rachel and her family. When we got back, I packed up my stuff and headed home. I was sad to leave, but I know I'll see everyone again in August! :D
I spent the rest of my day on Sunday taking a tiny nap (WHAT?? I NEVER NAP. WHO AM I??), watching the last episode of season one of the Series of Unfortunate Events, and then watching the new Food Network Star with my mom.
What did you do this weekend?
Did you do anything crazy? Anything fun?