A Little Life Update
Hello everyone! So...it's been a while. Almost two months. Whoops. I figured since I'm on Fall Break, I might as well recap the past two months or so and share a little bit of my life since getting married!
Andrew and I moved into our apartment at school right after the honeymoon and spent a couple days unpacking and making it feel like home. Our first dinner in our place was so exciting: garlic roasted chicken, rice, roasted carrots, and salad.

We also ate Thai food while putting together our wedding guest list puzzle--so fun!

We can't wait to frame it!
Over Labor Day weekend, we went to my parent's house and spent time with them and enjoyed amazing company and food.

It was so nice to be with my family before school started.
Which, by the way, started the day after Labor Day.

We're seniors!!! AHHHHH
Before the semester started, I was unsure of how I would be able to manage married life with school life and if I would even be able to do it--but so far, I've been pleasantly surprised by how un-stressful it has been. Andrew has been an amazing help-mate and encourager and I seriously probably would have had 10x more mental breakdowns this semester if he wasn't around.
I also attribute our non-stressfulness with our commitment to keeping a Sabbath one day a week, which is usually Sunday. We don't do homework. We don't practice. We don't really leave the house except to go to church. It's the Lord's day to revive our anxious hearts and minds and realize that this life is so much more than being at school and getting good grades. Rest is such a gift, and until this semester, I had never really taken this gift from God with a joyful heart. I always had taken it with reservation and anxiety, the question of: will ____ get done? I'll rest when I get _____ done. I need to get an A on this exam so I need to study for ____ hours before I can rest.
Guys. Practicing Sabbath is no joke. It's very difficult for me and it is a discipline that God has really been helping me practice and it's TOUGH. I've already cried a couple times, but guys...it is so, so good. I can honestly say it's been the best decision I've made this semester in terms of my own spiritual and mental health.
Also, on our days off we get to make fun stuff like bagels. (:

They were amazing.
A couple other fun things that have happened in the past couple months is that I celebrated my 22nd birthday! I, of course, celebrated it at home with my family with a salmon dinner and then chocolate peanut butter cake for dessert.

Gah. Look at it's glory...so delicious.
On my actual birthday, Andrew made me more salmon (drool) and we had leftover cake for dessert. Best day ever. Also, he got me a Honeycrisp apple as a birthday gift. Seriously, he's the best.
Another exciting development in our lives is that we got our wedding pictures back!!! I've already died several times just looking at them. They are precious.

PC: B Imagery and Jenifer D. Imagery
The rest of this semester is a busy one (surprise). The Chorale (the choir I am a part of) is doing a performance in November that is full of various Broadway pieces! It should be a really fun show! In December, I have my Senior Recital and I have been practicing like a mad woman to be ready for it. As many of you may or may not know, I have pretty bad performance anxiety, so I would appreciate prayers for confidence in my abilities as a pianist and that when the time coms to perform, that I would be able to recall the pieces with clarity and focus.
I'm hoping to do more posts about being married in college--aka, posts about what works what doesn't in terms of time management, how we prepare meals, etc. Would you all be interested in posts like those?
Thanks guys! Please know both Andrew and I appreciate all of your prayers, encouragement, love, and support! You all rock. <3