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Looking Back and Looking Forward--2017

I did a similar post last year and I thought I'd do one again cause...why not? It actually might become a tradition. (:

2017 was a year of several amazing and difficult changes, challenges, and experiences I never thought would come at this point in my life. When I was in Jr. high and Highschool, I envisioned how the next ten years my life would go and (surprise, surprise) none of what I envisioned happened in the order I had thought. I had once thought I would be several years out of college before getting married...nope. I had once thought I would still be in a dorm room with my friends...nope. I had once thought I would be preparing to move back in with my parents or getting an apartment with a friend after college...nope. The list could go on, but I won't bore you.

NOW. Onto the awesome stuff that happened this year. I'll break it down by travel, fun stuff, and food so we cover all the bases.


The first place I traveled in 2017 was to Florida with the Chorale. We always travel during our Spring break and this year was no different. I spent the first three or four days fighting a sinus infection, but by the fifth day I could sing again without coughing. Success!

Literally the only picture I took of us during tour....whoops.

I went up to Ft. Wayne in June to visit my friends and get tattoos!

In July, my family took a trip to Kansas City, Kansas for a family reunion.

In August, Andrew and I went on our honeymoon to Pigeon Forge, TN.

Over our Fall Break, Andrew and I went down to Vanderbilt University to visit my brother-in-law. So fun!

And, most recently, a trip to California for Christmas!

Fun Stuff

The first super fun thing that happened this year was that Andrew and I celebrated our second year of dating anniversary. We went to Target and bought each other new outfits and then went out to eat in them.

In April, Relient K came to our campus!! It was the best.

I got new glasses.

I had two Bridal Showers thrown for me by some pretty incredibly ladies...I am so blessed.

I went on lots of dates with Andrew. (:

Andrew and I have started a thing called "Curry with the Currys"...SO FUN.

Along with that, we've really been blessed by a great community of friends here at school, as well as far away. It's been awesome to have our own space we can use to commune with others here at school, but it's also been awesome to get together with old friends elsewhere.

My family got a new kitten. <3 After Tigger passed away, we decided we still wanted three cats.



I've had my fair share of amazing food this year. It's incredible that each year, I feel more and more free to just eat and not feel guilt or shame for the choices I make. I LOVE IT.

You all know breakfast is my favorite here are some of the best one's I've had this year.

Lunches and dinners have been awesome, too.

This was the year I finally found a type of white rice I love--Jasmine! SO GOOD. Andrew is proud of me. (:

There were also desserts...don't worry.

Apparently, this was the year of ice cream...I'm not mad about it.

I'll be posting again about my goals and thoughts about 2018 in the next week or so, but until then, I just have to say that I am ready for whatever comes in the new year. I am ready to say goodbye to 2017 and say hello to 2018. New year, new experiences, new challenges, new changes...I'm ready.

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