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Goals for 2017---->2018

For the past two years or so, I've kept a running list of "goals" I have for the year. I like goals more than resolutions because, for some reason, they are not as strict as resolutions. In my mind, goals are something I can attain at ANY time...regardless of the day, month, or year. Also, I tend to kind of strive WAY too hard and put WAY too much pressure on myself in general and I definitely do NOT need anything to cause more stress than it needs to. Before I get on with my goals for this year, I thought it would be neat to see what goals I accomplished this past year that I made last January.


Write a note of encouragement to someone each week

Give A LOT more hugs

Seek to understand before judging

Call grandma and grandpa at least once a month

Call family once a week

Devote time each day to pray

The only three I can say I accomplished are giving more hugs, seeking to understand before judging, and devoting time to pray each day. The other ones, unfortunately, did not happen. I did, however, create a texting group with both of my parents in it that I use pretty regularly. It's pretty great.


Get on the Dean’s List both semesters

Keep a 3.8 or higher GPA

Boom. Done.


Practice piano at least three hours every day

Do one challenging piano piece each semester

Read at least ten books (outside of textbooks) a semester

Find a direction for my blog

Start journaling

I actually did practice at least three hours a day both semesters last year. We'll see if that happens in my last semester. Ha. I also did do some pretty challenging pieces in the past two semesters, too! Yay! I feel accomplished.

I definitely did not read ten books a semester....probably more like ten in total.

I'm still trying to figure out a direction for the blog. I'm not sure if it should stay as is, or if I should it expand it to other topics besides my own personal updates. You all seem to really enjoy my personal posts about what I'm thinking, so maybe I'll do more of those this year.

Journaling happened for the Spring semester last year sporadically, and was awesome. The Fall semester, because of all the change, journaling got pushed aside.


Stretch every day

Lift two to three times a week

Run a 5k

Practice TKD once a week

Do one dead hang pull up

Do the splitz

Chest press over #100

Deadlift #135

I stretched almost every day. At one point last spring, I could almost do the splits, then summer happened and then the fall semester happened and I got out of the habit.

Lifting has been my JAM this past year. I LOVE IT. I definitely lifted more like three-four times a week in the fall because I did not feel like doing any other type of workout. The thought of doing cardio made me want to barf.

I did do TKD over the summer, which made me SO happy, but when I went back to school I didn't practice any more. ):

Still working on the pull up.

See above to learn about my splits situation ^^

I didn't focus on chest press as much as I thought I would this year, but I still love them! I'm at a pretty comfortable #65 and I'm hoping to up it a bit this semester, but I'm cool with not getting above #100 right now.

ALMOST THERE. I'm at #115 and I keep psyching myself out to go higher. I don't want to hurt myself, so I'm taking it painfully slow. Slow and steady wins the race, though.

Also, I should mention that my word for last year was value, and I truly believe I have come to value so many things I never would have thought to value. Last year, more than ever, I have come to value community, warm hugs that last more than .001 seconds, home-cooked food, friends that brave the cold to walk to the gym with you at 8:30pm, a word of encouragement after a hard day, the joy of dancing alongside new and old friends at our wedding, quiet moments before the sun rises, early morning breakfasts with my husband, and so, so, so much more!

SO. Without further ado, here are my goals for this year.


Get together with friends at least twice a month

Meet up with a new acquaintance (or old friend!) once a month

One date night a week with Andrew <3


Have at least five piano students by the end of the year

Find a full-time job (outside of teaching piano)


Read 20 books


Take more walking/reading/breathing breaks instead of getting on social media

Pay off a fourth of my student debt

Blog once a week while in school, two-three times a week once I'm done


Run a 5k

Do one unassisted pull up

Incorporate more dynamic movements in my workouts

Practice TKD once a week

Stretch at least five times a week

Word for the year: BE

Not necessarily be more of anything, but abide in who He has created me to be--a daughter, sister, wife, friend, student, etc. Ah...I can't wait to settle into this word and can't wait to share what I learn after a year!

Do you all make goals?

Do you have a word of the year?

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