Looking Back and Looking Forward-->2021
Out of all of the years that I've recapped, I have to say that 2021 is one of the least eventful. There weren't any monumental changes or...

Looking Back and Looking Forward--->2020
I have been working on this blog post for three months now...BUT.... We made it. I think those three words are the best I have, and many...

When God's Promises Come to Fruition
Guys. What a whirlwind these past three months have been. It is absolutely insane how normal it feels to have a child...I mean...it's...

Pregnancy, Work, and Moving: What We've Been up To Recently
Hi all! It's been quite some time since I have written anything on here and I thought now would be a great time to give you all an update...

Looking Back and Looking Forward-->>2019
2019. Joyous. Difficult. Freeing. Restorative. A lot can be said about each of those four words, but in an effort to make this post as...

Two Years of Marriage, Full-Time Jobs, and What We are Up To These Days
Hello! It has been about eight months since I have last written anything and it has been a good break. Every time I thought about sharing...

Looking Back and Looking Foward-->>2018
2018. You were a good year. You were full of what most years consist of: change, tears, laughter, unknowns, joyous realizations,...

Goals for 2018--->2019
Happy 2019! I'm always a little sad and a little excited with a new year starts. Sad because Christmas is over, but excited for a new...

Adult Life: How do I adult the right way?
It's a little weird that just six months ago, Andrew and I stepped into "adult" life. No one prepares you for the step from "student" to...

Embracing Generosity and Hospitality
This subject has been on my heart for the past year or so, and it seems as if every where I turn, the idea of being generous and...