Dating Is Not the Remedy for Insecurity
Two things before I continue with this topic. 1.) Wedding planning is going well. 2.) I am still working at Chick-fil-A, but I’m also...

Recap of Junior Year
Guys. I'm a senior. WHAT JUST HAPPENED?? I seriously keep forgetting I've been at college for three years...it just doesn't seem...

Life Update
Hello lovely people. (: As you may have noticed, I have been pretty quiet on the blog these past three months, and it's not because I...

Goals for 2016-->Goals for 2017
Happy New Year and happy 2017! As we head into the new year, I am sure many of you are thinking of resolutions/goals you would like to...

Looking Back and Looking Forward
Like many other people, as 2016 comes to a close, I am looking back on this year and all I was able to experience. I know for many of...

Embracing this Season and the Next
It snowed yesterday and there are no words in my vocabulary that I can use to express how happy I was. I mean..come on, it's November,...

Life is Busy, Life is Good
For the first time in almost two months, I finally have the time to sit down and blog, and man...I love it. I am on my Fall Break and I...

NY Trip Recap and Thoughts on Rest
Every year, my family makes the trek to East Pitcairn, New York to visit my grandparents. If you have been reading my blog for the past...

An Open Letter to a College Freshman
Dear College Freshman, Congratulations! No, really, congrats. I know you’ve heard it a bajillion times by now, but graduating High School...

Weekend Stuff {7/30-7/31}
My weekends at home for the summer at dwindling, but I'm trying not to think about it. I'm soaking up every weekend (and week day) that I...